Mystery Rose

Recently, I guided a friend on a tour through my garden and came across the subject of this Wednesday's watercolor.  This rose was in full bloom on my garden shed.  As we stopped to admire, I couldn't remember the plant's proper name.

The blossoms have small, single white petals and gold stamens.  It is a healthy plant and blooms well even without a ton of sun.  It blooms only once in mid-summer, but the leaves stay green thoughout the season.  The fragrance is light.  It has been well-mannered and, after many years, the longest canes are only about 12 feet long.  I think it could be a rambler.  At one time, I thought it was named Mermaid, but have since determined that the blooms of mine are too white and too small.  If you think you might know its name, please share. 

Whatever its name, this mystery plant makes a nice garden rose and a pretty picture. 


Perfectly Imperfect


2014 Hamptons Garden Tours