A New Year, A New Perspective

Straw-colored grass warms the winter garden

My apologies.  It's been more than a month since my last entry.  After putting the garden to bed this fall,  I found myself struggling to come up with some interesting topics you might want to read.  Then the holidays caught me off guard.  Before I knew it, we were ringing in a new year.  Surprisingly, December's visitor count to the Hamptons Garden blog was one of the year's best.  Shame on me for not freshening up the entrance.

I do think about the garden often in winter.  It's a perfect time for reflection, dreaming, reading and planning.  I even have annual chores that are best done in dead winter.  A dusting of snow on Friday also reminded me of how pretty the winter garden can be.  So I'm putting together a winter topic list that will help me share my cold-weather activities and inspirational finds. 

Thanks for reading and stay tuned.   Happy New Year!

A woodrush forms the base of snow pinwheels


You've Got Mail


Proud as a Peacock