Irene Aftermath
Given the ominous forecasts, I expected my Hamptons garden to be seriously damaged. Took a garden tour Saturday before dark, reminiscing about the stellar season; saddened that I may not get to enjoy the late summer/fall show.
But we were very lucky. Hurricane Irene pushed high, but not severely damaging, winds into my neighborhood. Surprisingly, we never lost power. A drive around town reveled others that were not so lucky. Many large trees were pushed down, falling onto houses and power lines.
The storm's effects on my home and garden were small in comparison to others troubles. Green leaves, small branches and twigs were strewn everywhere. The wind split a major branch on a small redbud tree. These are easily remedied.
Five full wheelbarrows of debris were carted out. The outdoor furniture was put back into place. I'm trying the advice from an online source suggesting that small stainless bolts be driven through the split redbud branch (like pins in a broken arm) to close the gap and help it mend.
I have also put some of the fallen oak branches to good use as natural-looking stakes for the tall anemones and daylilies still blooming. "If you're given lemons, make lemonade."
Dead branches make great stakes
Wind-ravaged anemones back upright